I browsed through
Tai's photos from his trip to New York via Brunsli's blog and I felt extremely proud for two reasons. For one, I was definitely in touch with the Ode to the OR's (Original Rastas) which made me very aware of the evolution that has taken place within the dreadlock circle. One one side of the spectrum, you have the organic locks that require no extra manipulation to the other end of the spectrum with the manicured locks, locks that are meticulously crafted to be very neat and precise. My conclusion is that up until the manicured came along, most folks are probably somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. But whatever one's style or preference, how could he or she have got there without the organics paving the way? Without Bob Marley paving the way??? So that's one major point I took away after looking at the slide show.
The other is, I'm apart of the new evolution to manicured locks. I absolutely love my locks and I wear them ever so proudly everyday. I don't regret a damn thing about my Sisterlocks decision. So for any OR's who think that these aren't real locks or not truly representing, that's a crock of you know what. I think of it as an evolution that was bound to naturally take place based on cultural and market demands. Manicured locks represent a niche that was just waiting to be tapped! Manicured is to dreadlocks what Hip-hop is to music ---> not going anywhere. I am so proud to be right in the heart of this upswing take off. Perhaps in ten years I'll be in somebody's slideshow with admirers from afar.
Very nice post. :) I agree, we're all in the same family.
I learned from Still Waters that Joanne Cornwall was in Jamaica talking about Sisterlocks. I told my sister, who asked how Jamaicans felt about her stealing their culture. I doubt that was the case -- in the Caribbean, Rastas are an underclass, and I doubt people would feel as though their culture was being stolen. When Bob Marley became famous, the Jamaican government was concerned about the low-class Jamaican culture that was being spread around the the world.
Okay, I'm rambling. I'll stop now.
Nice pic.
Your locs are already admired from afar!
Thanks Brunsli. Awhile ago, I actually stumbled on somebody's page and it said something like Americans are actually selling our culture back to us. Ouch. I read some more and they were talking about Dr. Jo.
Thanks Naturalist1.
AFKG - girl you just made my day!
Nice read. I have been missing your post. Still looking good. You could definitely be in videos.
I really like this photo of you in black and white, it looks good. And as far as I am concerned, I thank God that I have the opportunity to wear my hair in a natural style that enables me to still show the beauty of my African roots without adding anything (like chemicals) or taking anything away from my hair. I say hats off to Dr. Joanne Cornwell. It is truly a blessing to see the beauty of Sisterlocks on you and all of the other women who share their stories, it has enhanced my life.
Hey Tanya,
Ya' looking too confident to be denied!
Loving your growth... blessings~
Karen - again I'm on cloud nine. Thanks a bunch.
Abena - Thanks a bunch. I'm vibing you.
Jen! - you're back. I hope you had a wonderful trip and will share with us. Thanks a bunch.
Tra - (this in sista speak)... Girl!
Tanya, your hair is really growing and looking thick these days. I'm loving them!
Great post!
Great post! Love the black and white photo.
Tell Paulette I say hi! :)
I loved the photos he took. All the locks I saw were magnificent. However, I couldn't help but feel a little slighted by his comment that none looked 'done', with my interpretation being that manicured locks (such as SL) aren't 'worthy'. Maybe that's not what he meant but regardless, I love mine and manicured locks fill a need and are here to stay.
Such a pretty picture and nice post! I love my manicured Sisterlocks. And so do a whooooolllle bunch of other folk!!
Amen! Its all about self "hair" love, and if manicured locs are what I need to have it, then I'm guilty. I actually like the idea of Dr. Jo "selling our culture". I think she's "selling" it back to us. I guess that's what she means when she says "Come home to Sisterlocks (Tm).
Thanks LaChanda, Michelle, Brenda, Maryee and Chi-chi.
Hey Tanya,
Nice post and even nicer hair. I love the b/w pic.
Thanks Lyriq.
With all due respect, I think that equating "manicured" locs with "evolution" is a bit elitist. And I am saying this as someone who has "manicured" locs (not Sisterlocks).
If you choose to wear a certain type of loc based on your own personal preferences, that's fine. For some people their personal preference bends towards the "organic." I'm talking about many of the people shown in Tai's photos, not "ORs" who existed in the past. If their locs don't conform to "cultural and market demands" that doesn't make them any less valid. Not everybody feels that need for conformity and not having that need doesn't make them or their locs less "evolved."
If I'm misreading your post, I apologize, but I felt compelled to comment.
Hey Ibellatrix,
I don't expect everyone to share my point of view. Thanks for sharing your comment.
thanks lbellatrix, and as always, u and i are always on the same page. there is no such "evolution" as the word is usually intended, rather a "new hairstyle" has been invented and yes, being marketted quite well. if there exists such an evolution, from whence did locks evolve from?
evolution does indeed usually mean a "graduation" if u will, from something to something "better", and i will completely disagree in this aspect in this posts context, with all due respect.
i was writing more, but decided this is not the place, and i'd like my post to remain. *wink* but i would like to thank u, the OP, for mentioning my humble photos, and i'm pleased that they were able to leave such a positive impression on u.
Tai - how thoughtful of you to stop by. We can't agree on them all. C'est la vie.
WheW! well, Well, WELL Goodnapps, you handled the agreements and disagreements with the excellence of a Phenomenal Woman! I admire you for this, I hope I am able to do the same in all areas of my life (work, relationship, Christian lifestyle, and future hairstyle). I love diverse opinions and I also love positivity. So I can really appreciate how this did NOT become UGLY, political, and negative! Well, done! Well Done Indeed!
By the way, I love the black and white photo. I love the jewerly around your neck, it is beautiful! Definately my style!
Sis. RJQueen10
Sis RJ - Thanks so much. As you probably already know, there are so many hot button topics in the lock community.
I'm not trying to make folks agree with me and vice versa. Just hit me up with some knew knowledge or a different point of view I hadn't thought about. As long as we keep it tasteful, there is nothing wrong with getting a little political.
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