Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mohawk Do

Last night I attended a business gala and of course I pondered what to do with my hair. As I gave it some thought there was a set of requirements that I needed which included:
a) preferably an updo and something different
b) not doing it myself cause I'm too darn lazy
c) not going to the salon because I don't feel like putting forth the time or money
So I'm going over in my mind, how in the world do I satisfy this list? Thursday night I finally had my Eureka. Ask your little sister to style it for you! So thanks to my 19 year old sister, my Mohawk do came alive.

So as my sister is doing my hair and her, my mom, and I are talking, my mother tells me she ran into a lady I met about Sisterlocks. At first I thought Linda, but she said that name didn't sound familiar. Then my mom says, "I think you met her at Sam's Club." Now to jog you all's memory, I did the post about the lady I met at Sam's Club and I was so excited that she came up to me and asked if I had Sisterlocks.

So of course I asked my mother how did this connection happen. My mom told me they met at the doctor's office and as they were talking she told the lady that she gets her hair done in Detroit and the lady says:
Lady: You are the second person I met who gets their hair done in Detroit.
My mom: Well that's probably my daughter.
Lady: Tanya?
My mom: OMG! Yep.

All I can say is wow!


golden_08 said...

Small world! Where do you go in Detroit? That is my hometown and if I ever move back I would need some recommendations.

I absolutely love the Mohawk!!!! I'm going to have to try to copy that one. Very different and unique!!

Goodnapps said...

Thanks Golden. Paulette Brown is
my consultant. Her site is Locks4Life under my links section.
Can't wait to see your Mohawk in the near future.

Anonymous said...


I love that Mohawk on you. I can't wait until I can do that. You show so much versatility........

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Your are rocking that Mohawk! Go on with your bad self! I love it!

brunsli said...

A very cute look! But you always look cute...

Where can I find a 19-year-old sister who will do my hair for me??

Sister-in-Locks said...

Now you just Go head, Gurl.

Quietspirit said...

Nice do! It's always nice to have a sister to help with styles.

CloudNine said...

Okay you are rocking that Mohawk. Your hair is fabulous!

Goodnapps said...

Gee thanks ladies - Nappytexangirl,
Quietspirit and Cloudnine.

Brunsli - I'm sure she has to be hiding in a corner somewhere.

Cluizel said...


I have a mohawk when I wake up...but I always wondered if I should get one done on purpose. lol.

Goodnapps said...

Thanks Michelle. I don't think it would hurt.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ok, Tanya, I need to fly to Detroit so that your little Sister can do some styles on my hair because I have not been successful (hee,hee).

Natural Kinks said...

Love it Tanya!!

Big props to little sisters.

Goodnapps said...

Thanks Abena. But you had it right earlier. My sister and I are in Cleveland, OH. But really, you can get anybody who knows how to braid, twist to do these styles.
The styles are my vision and I know how I want it to look. I communicate the vision to my "stylists" and I'm so thankful they are able to see it through.
My inspiration comes from all of you, magazines, etc.

Vee - Thanks so much. She probably thinks she's a professional now.

BlaqKofi said...

Work that mohawk girl! I love it.

Brenda said...

Love it! Very cute. I wonder what my 12yo daughter can do?

Creyole said...

Looking mi-t-cute my sistah! Such a creative gala hairdo and your pins will be on the way soon. I plan to go out to the mall this weekend.

Tequila Jackson Allen said...

work that mohawk girl!

Goodnapps said...

Thanks Blaq and Brenda.

Brenda - I bet she'll hook you up!
Give her a chance.

Creyole - oh thank you thank you. I know I'm gonna love them.

Lashaune - thanks lady!

AFunkyKindaGlow said...

Im so jealous of your mohawk, did you see my sad attempt!

Goodnapps said...

AFKG - I saw your mohawk and I thought it was beautiful! Thanks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

ooh, this is cut-ie!!!
did it hurt? It feels like so much tension lately when I updo or pull back...

sisterlockedlondon said...

Great updo! I think I may try this for my work xmas do tonight!

Goodnapps said...

Thanks Cheleski. Tension? You bet. That and the hair pins is what lead me to take the back down. And that's why I had my sister do it so it wouldn't be as tight, which she did oblige. But it still seems to be getting harder for me to wear my updos as long as I want. But I did get 5 days from the hairstyle.

Thanks SLL. I hope you'll post pics.

Ree-C said...

I love the mohawk. You always where such great styles. Very cute. I tried a mohawk once, not as cute.

Goodnapps said...

Thanks Ree-C! But I'm skeptical you didn't look great.

Dee said...

small world huh? Or is it just the your mother knows EVERYONE(my late cousin)LOL. Your mother is #1 on the small coincidence that she knows you or someone you know....LOL...BTW cute Mohawk, you got guts, I would be too chicken to wear it...LOL

Goodnapps said...

Detra, you gotta give yourself more credit. Be a little daring.

Yep, mom does seem to know quite a few folks.

Sis. RJQueen10 said...

Okay, I answer my earlier question. You are not an only child! And I do remember earlier you saying you went to your sister's graduation, that you are an auntie, and that your more was buying stuff for your sister to go to college. Okay. I guess I am doing too much reading! But I am finding so much peace here, I am enjoying being in the presense of your blog! Thanks for having it here!

Sis. RJQueen10

Goodnapps said...

Sis RJ - you are welcome!